The world is like an ocean, where you will get for what you tried hard. Happiness and Tensions are flowing freely in this ocean. There are plenty of stressful waves along with tremendous happiness.
However, mostly people around, unlikely encountered by tensions. There are several types of tensions. However, most popular type of tension is ‘irrelevant behavior’ of surrounding people.
This irrelevant behavior of people is hard to bear, however, you can not do anything about it. In other words their irrelevant behavior works brilliantly to take away your happiness from you.
Interestingly, you can find these kind of people anywhere, likewise, at your work place, in your family or may be any relative of yours, or it might be your neighbor.
In general, these people come and vomit their toxic views in front of you. And due to highly dense aura of their negativity you hardly utter a word from your mouth. However, you think later, I wish I replied her in this or that way.
It’s OK, it happens to everyone, similarly with me too, many times.
But, their toxic thinking impacts you awfully.
So, how can we live happily along with unmatched thinking people?
I only found one answer Just ‘Ignore them’. Yes, if you can’t change them, then ignore them.
Stop Over Thinking and Over Reacting
There are lots of people who are not happy in life because of over thinking. They think too much. They react too much, they pay attention too much on some flame attention things.
If you lead a happy life seriously, first you need to stop over thinking. Stop over reacting, there are a lot of happened around that you can not change, learn to ignore it.
Your over thinking lead you towards over reacting. And this combination make a perfect blend to give a high volt tension to your mind.
When you will think you will find that everything that happen around you, not need your high voltage reaction all time.
I saw people who will raise their Blood Pressure after seeing any post or comment on social media. They react like, How can he write this?, how can she post it?
Arrey, Calm down, just ignore them, and move on.
Not only social media, you have to learn ignore irrelevant things in life too. Then only you will be happily live your life.
Be Mature and Move On
You know I mostly heard in families, Between two close relationship (Like Mother-in-law, Daughters-in-law, Sisters-in-law or it can be any other relationships in males categories too) Clashes in views finds many times there.
These clashes are actually nothing, but their differences of thinking. Both are correct on their side but might be wrong for one another. You can face this kind of situation on your work field also.
Whenever, I find my self stuck in this scenario, I prefer to move on rather than proof to my point correct. If you know you are right then be mature and move on. There is no need to fight to proof yourself correct. However, confronts always create tensions and engulf your happiness.
To move on is not always a sign of weakness or it is not shows you are coward. Some times it is manifest how mature you are.
Do not Take Everything to Heart
You will encountered many people who never seems to be happy in life. They always complaining, he told me wrong, she said to me this, I am hurt, I do not talk her, Blah, Blah.
Dear friends, If you are one of this kind of person. Then I request you please spare your heart. Your heart do work really hard to keep you alive 24*7 in this world. Please let your heart work of it. Avoid to take everything to heart.
If you do not like what somebody said to you then just ignore them. Do not to be after something so badly, that it take away your real happiness.
Sometimes you do not agree with others, it is ok. Think twice before pass any judgment practically, why they did so. Still you are unable to find a satisfactory answer, then ignore them, and do your work.
You are responsible for your satisfaction yourself, not others.
Failure is part of life, How to handle it is very important to lead a successful life, Read my blog post, How to handle failure click here.
Magic of Ignorance
It’s sound weird, Right. But, it is spectral. I personally felt this magic in my life. In very early stage of my life I was very emotional kind of girl. Who took everything to heart. And used to shed tears over everything.
However, with passing years after shedding thousands times of tears, I searched Ignorance is the only key of happiness in this selfish world.
How to ignore is the secret of happiness. You can not change way of thinking of others. However, do not let their thinking affect you, this is the Ignorance.
I am not saying here, that Ignore everything, I am saying, learn to Ignore what affect you most negatively, and you can not control over it.
Ignore every negativity that harms you emotionally.
Hope, I am succeed to tell you that there are many secret to be happy in life, but one of them is How to ”Ignore”.
Depression can make anybody life hell. How to ‘Win Depression’ to know read my blog post
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Happy Reading 🙂
Written as a part of @Blogchatter’s #MyfriendAlexa.